Please read carefully. If you have any questions or are unclear about any points listed below, please email us at and we'll gladly help you.

To enrol for lessons and receive your time slot & teacher info, we must receive a completed Enrolment Form and have confirmed your time slot & teacher with you. Time slots are booked on a yearly basis which reserves your time, day and teacher for the whole year.

$40.00 (including G.S.T) per half hour, one on one lesson.
Invoices are sent before the beginning of each school term for the whole term of lessons. Invoices are to be paid in full within 30 days. We do not accept week by week payments.

All lesson fees are non-refundable. Invoices are issued before the start of every school term via EMAIL ONLY, so please ensure the email address you have provided is correct and regularly checked.

Overdue invoices may incur a $25.00 administration fee. Your lessons may be suspended if payment is not received within 30 days. If no attempt at payment has been made towards an invoice within 60 days, Living Music reserves the right to pass your overdue account on to a debt collection agency. You will be liable for all costs which would be incurred as if the debt is collected in full (up to 35% in addition to overdue account), including legal demand costs.

Living Music offers catch-up lessons to students who notify our reception that they are unable to attend their with 24hrs notice (before 10am on Saturdays).

Students are entitled to a MAXIMUM OF TWO catch-up lessons per term. A third, fourth etc absence is considered a “no show”; the lesson is forfeited and the teacher will be paid for their time.

Living Music keeps track of how many catch-up lessons you are entitled to and will arrange your catch-up lesson/s, generally held the first Monday and Tuesday of the school holidays. If convenient, we may also be able to arrange these during the term. Availability for school holiday catch-up lessons are strictly limited and lessons can only take place on the scheduled dates. Your account also needs to be paid in full by your last lesson of the term to be eligible for any catch up lessons.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are unable to attend your catch-up lessons on the scheduled dates, your catch-up lessons are forfeited. Catch-up lessons cannot be rolled over, refunded or credited under any circumstances. 

You must let the Living Music reception (not teachers) know about an absence in person, via email, calling or by leaving a message on our answering service with 24hrs notice (before 10am on Saturdays). If we receive late or no notice about an absence, your lesson is forfeited and you are still charged the full price of the lesson.

In the event your scheduled time slot falls on a public holiday, you will not be invoiced for that day and a catch-up lesson will not need to be granted.
A third (fourth etc) absence will be considered a “no show”; the lesson is forfeited and you will be charged the full price of the lesson.

If your teacher is ill or away, either an online lesson will take place, a replacement teacher will teach you that day or a catch-up lesson will be granted. If a replacement teacher is organised and you elect not to attend your lesson, you are still charged for this lesson and a catch up lesson will not be granted.

In the case of a Vic Government Covid lock down, we may either grant a catch up lesson (that wont affect your two ABS for the term) or if we have enough notice, may teach online via Zoom.

As we stick to a very tight schedule, if you are late for your lesson, your lesson still finishes at the original scheduled time.



In the case of a Vic Government Covid lock down, we may either grant a catch up lesson (that wont affect your two ABS for the term) or if we have enough notice, may teach online via Zoom.

Online lessons are generally held at the same scheduled time each week.

If a student is unable to attend their scheduled online lesson for any reason, you must let the Living Music reception (not teachers) know in person, via email, calling or by leaving a message on our answering service before 12pm on the day of your lesson (before 9:30am on Saturdays). If we receive late or no notice about an absence, your lesson is forfeited and you are still charged the full price of the lesson as we must pay teachers for their time.

Students and parents are responsible for remembering their lesson time slot each week. Living Music will not send out email reminders each week. You will receive an email before your first lesson with instructions for how to access your lesson each week. This email will include your teacher’s Personal Meeting ID (PMI), which you will need to save somewhere safe and use to access your lesson each week.

Students should join their teacher’s waiting room at least 10 minutes before the start of their lesson so they can test their settings including video and audio. Make sure the video feed is well-lit, the camera is correctly positioned and the audio is working as it should. For younger students, a parent or guardian should assist with setting up the device before their lesson to ensure correct placement, working audio etc.

Students under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian present for their lesson each week. The parent or guardian is not required to participate in the lesson, however they must remain in the room for the duration of the lesson to supervise.

Students should try their best to ensure they will not be interrupted by family, partners or housemates during lessons (excluding supervising parent or guardian for students under 18).


If you wish to cancel your lessons, you must notify Living Music in writing via email before the next school term commences. Please note all lesson fees are non-refundable, including lessons scheduled after your cancellation. If you do wish to cancel lessons, inform Living Music during school holidays to avoid being invoiced for the next school term.